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Fission launches 2019 winter exploration plan
Released at:10:26:00 2019-02-18

Fission announced the 2019 winter exploration plan for the PLS project in Canada’s Athabasca Basin on January 30. The winter plan aims to advance the feasibility study of the 3R project by focusing on the necessary resource development. The exploration starts in the first week of February.

Starting in the first week of February, the exploration mainly involves 3,730m drilling of 28 boreholes and engineering studies necessary to reach the feasibility study stage. Specifically,

?   Circular cofferdam and boundary wall boreholes (13, 1,040m)

?   Rock geological engineering/resource improvement boreholes (3, 1,125m)

?   Pumping test and monitoring boreholes (4,605m)

?   Shallow description boreholes in tailing management facility area (8, 960m)

?   Geochemical study of waste rock and liquid discharge

?   Aviation interpretation and desk study of suitable gravel and clay resources for surface infrastructure construction

?   Collection and analysis of environmental data

?   Maintenance of relationship with community and shareholders

According to Ross McElroy, COO of Fission, “as the pre-feasibility study report of PLS project is expected to be released in the first quarter of this year, it is very important to start the development work in the next stage. Fission will continue to push forward the PLS Triple R deposit exploration. The drilling involved in this winter plan is of help to push the Triple R mine to the feasibility study and development stage, further reducing the risk of Triple R mine and increasing the shareholder value.

By the end of January 2019, CGN holds a 19.9% stake in Fission.

Operation chart of 2019 winter exploration plan of PLS project


